Procuring and managing contractors – what bursars need to know

Ian Williams will be presenting at the Independent Schools Bursar Association Health and Safety Conference on the important and often tricky area of contractor procurement and management in respect of health and safety. 

The presentation will summarise the client’s responsibilities and actions with regard to contractors including the key areas of:

  • Legislation overview
  • Procuring contractors
  • Managing contractors – start to finish
  • What to do when the contract ends

Presenting from Ian Williams is Amy Boothman, Bid Manager. A modern languages graduate from Southampton University, Amy joined Ian Williams in 2010 and now manages all aspects of development including new business and marketing. Throughout her career she has successfully led the acquisition of major accounts with some of the UK’s largest private and public sector organisations.

Amy has a deep understanding of current best practice with respect to procurement, legislation and asset management, especially with reference to the often complex area of health and safety. She is a regular contributor to best practice papers and published articles. 

With a proven track record working with some of the UK’s top independent schools, Ian Williams is well placed to advise on the best refurbishment or proactive maintenance solution. We have been privileged to work with some high profile private schools including Harrow, Eton and Marlborough College, as well as having a broad portfolio of many other independent schools across the UK. 

Ian Williams has been working with ISBA and supporting them through conferences since 2008. This involvement provides us with an opportunity to demonstrate the broad range of asset management services we offer and highlight the benefits of collaborative working with specialist maintenance providers.

For case studies and more information on the projects we carry out,

If you can’t make it to the conference on 15th October, and have a project in mind contact us on


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