The latest issue of Review reports on our recently published Annual Accounts that show another successful period in terms of financial performance, a robust pipeline of future sales and ongoing investment in cementing sustainable, future growth.
We share highlights from the ‘IW75 in 75’ mission, a special company-wide series of events, held to mark our 75-year milestone that raised £75,000 for the More Than Homes Campaign on behalf of The Trussell Trust.
We discuss how, as a sector, we can meet the challenge of skills shortages by putting training and retaining at the top of the agenda.
With photos, videos and case studies, we shine the spotlight on our 10 year partnership with Accent Housing and celebrate the amazing achievements of our people across the UK, who have been busy mobilising new contracts, joining in customers’ open events and inducting our 35 new apprentices.
We hope you enjoy this issue.